Adult Education Classes

January 5, 2025 - March 2, 2025

Bible Pathways - 2 Timothy, led by Doug Droll & Ken Golding 

This is a course designed to equip people to study the Bible accurately through the use of helpful tools and practices.

RVL Discipleship: The Study, led by Christian Nitzschke

We’ll join renowned teacher and Bible scholar Ray Vander Laan as he examines what it means to be a follower of Christ through the cultural, historical, and otherwise contextual lens of Scripture. Then we’ll consider the question: what did it mean to be one of the original disciples of Jesus, and what does that mean for us today?

nehemiah: Leading in Challenging times. This class is being taught by Pastor Max, beginning Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 3:00 pm, in the Multipurpose room. The class is open to the entire grace church community.

  • nehemiah undertook a difficult assignment - the rebuilding of the walls of jerusalem. the opposition was fierce. the people were hesitant. the problems were many. yet the task was completed. it is an amazing story. This is a verse-by-verse study through this amazing book.